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Why you need to try research as an undergraduate student

Writer: the Usmanthe Usman

*if you're just looking for my undergrad research guide, you can get it here:

Everyone is going to university, but nobody is really using the resources they're paying for. Universities are research institutions; your professors are expert researchers in their fields.

Why don't you use this fact to your advantage?

'Huh? How do I use this?' Get involved in research as an undergrad. Especially if you're a STEM student. Whether you're going to grad school or industry, it's a vital experience. A lot of my deeper, more meaningful understanding in engineering and physics is from research. Two years into my 4 year degree, I can safely say more of my useful skills come from research than my classes.

You see, the dumb thing about classroom education is that they assume that if you take in and analyze enough information, you'll eventually learn how to make original contributions. Doesn't really work like that. This is like practicing your layups and expecting to improve your jumpshot. It helps if you're an absolute beginner, but at a certain point it becomes ineffective. To really learn how to be a practitioner of your field and not just a student of it, you need to practice it. Research is the perfect way to do that; you get to work on real problems in a controlled environment with people who can mentor you. It requires much different thinking than classroom style work; it's a style of thinking that more closely mirrors what your career will look like, whether you go on to grad school or industry.

'But Usman, research is lame. I just wanna get a good job.' You gotta stop thinking one-dimensionally. You build practical skills in research AND connections. At the absolute least you develop your thinking in ways you don't get in the classroom. Which helps get you that job you want. More than that though, professors and grad students will have connections in your field. This is way better networking than going to a career fair filled with sweaty kids in suits or a weird networking event. It sets you up for opportunities you might not even know about. If you help your professor, chances are he or she will help you too. After all, many professors do genuinely care about helping students succeed, at least more than your average industry boss would. After all, many professors went into academia partially because they like teaching and enriching students.

Research isn't for everyone. But all undergrads need to try it to get some skills, learn, and open themselves up to opportunity. 'Okay, but how do I start? I don't know anything about research' Fortunately, I've got you covered.

I've put together a guide (free) on how to land a research position even with no experience, succeed, and basically navigate the whole research situation. You can get it here:




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